Matthew Ong Apps

Tap Age - ALPHA 1.0
Matthew Ong
The year is 3.4 million BC. You’ve gotyourtrusty club in your hand and your dinosaur steed by your side,nowthe only thing left to do is…..tap!Tap to attack, tap to collect currency, tap torecruitfightersTap to hire researchers, tap to invent, tap to unleashdevastatingabilitiesTap to explore beautifully drawn worlds, tap to findhiddentreasures, tap to relive the history of human existenceBecome more powerful by advancing through the ages. Lead yourtaparmy with heroes such as Lucy, Hercules, Spartacus, KingArthur, andAbraham Lincoln.You, and you alone, hold the key to human advancement…FEATURESADVANCE through 6 Ages, ranging from the Stone Age to theSpaceAgeHIRE over 30 courageous fighters to aid you on your journeyDEFEAT over 50 unique and powerful monstersEVOLVE your fighters to create monster killing super-soldiersINVENT over 60 technological creations to upgrade your armyEXPLORE over 100 beautiful environments inspired by historyandmythology